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Why Having a Great Logo is Essential

The creation of a logo is one of the most important steps in defining a brand's image. Many small businesses downplay this issue, claiming that "it's for the big fish," but they forget that giants were once small and that one of the keys to their success was choosing a good logo.

What makes a logo so important for a brand is its ability to help people know and remember the name, slogan, or even the founder of the brand with just a glance. Studies show that 40% of people remember what they see better than what they read or hear. For this reason, having a well-designed logo is essential for the overall marketing strategy and for attracting new customers.

To fulfill all these purposes and become a crucial element for any brand, a logo should be simple, memorable, timeless, consistent, and versatile without losing the essence of your business. Keep reading, and we'll give you more insights.

Characteristics that make a good logo:


As the saying goes, "less is more." For a logo to be attractive, it should be powerful but not complicated. An overloaded design, full of graphic elements and colors, may seem eye-catching but is likely to be forgotten quickly. The simpler your design, the easier it will be for it to become ingrained in the consumer's imagination. In fact, many of the brands that come to mind first often have very simple logos, sometimes even a monochromatic image or silhouette without any typography.


Yes, we know we've repeated it to exhaustion: "be original, be original!" We don't want to be annoying, but as in any creative process, originality is the key to success. An original design will make you stand out from the rest. In fact, that's one of the reasons that defines the importance of a good logo. The originality of your logo will determine whether the public remembers you and sets you apart from the competition. Before you start designing (or giving creative guidelines to your designer), remember that there's a thin line between inspiration and plagiarism...don't fall into that trap.


Although it may seem like a minor task, designing a good logo requires a significant investment of time. Time to research, time to brainstorm with the team, but above all, time to understand the brand's values, target audience, and positioning. A good logo should be consistent with the company's philosophy and should align with the values you want to convey (your Core Value). This factor is crucial to understanding the significant role that the logo plays not only in the marketing strategy but in the overall success of the company.

One of the most common ways to align the design with brand values is through the use of color. While this may seem like the most fun step, it's a critical stage of the creative process. The choice of color will determine what the public associates with your brand. Clear examples can be seen with Coca-Cola, which chooses red for its association with enthusiasm, vitality, and youth.

Take a look at this interesting guide that shows the psychological associations we make with logos and their colors:

Brand Manual

There should be no logo without its respective Brand Manual. At least for logos that claim to be somewhat serious. Brand manuals are the DNA of logos. They tell the world how that logo works, how it should be used, what its correct colors are, how it's applied in different contexts, and how it should not be used. If you spent so much time and effort creating your logo, and it represents everything your brand is and communicates, the least you'll want for it is some respect.

Can the logo be changed?

We've come to the million-dollar question. As mentioned earlier, a logo is much more than just a colorful image. In many cases, it's the first contact that potential customers have with your business, so, in addition to a beautiful image, the design must convey the company's values.

A good logo, in line with the company's philosophy and objectives, should be timeless, meaning it has no expiration date. However, times change, and aesthetic standards transform, so we say no to change and yes to evolution.

Expert Tips: Avoid these practices, and you will succeed

Recapping everything we've told you so far, here's a summary of everything you should not neglect when creating your logo in 5 points:

  1. Stay away from trends - a logo should be timeless. Unicorns and flamingos are adorable and trendy, but that doesn't mean they'll have the same impact in six months. You can't afford your logo to become outdated quickly.

  2. Avoid homemade designs - we know you're the king of Paint, but, in case you haven't realized yet, a logo is a serious matter. A little investment in time, effort, and maybe money won't hurt anyone.

  3. Refrain from buying your logo from an image bank - there are undoubtedly beautiful and highly professional designs in image banks. However, even if you make some changes and add your own touch, you run the risk that your logo looks similar or, worse, reminds people of hundreds of other companies.

  4. Don't choose a logo just because you love the color - as mentioned earlier, color is much more than a shade; it can denote a thousand characteristics of your brand. If these aren't aligned with your company's values, disaster is guaranteed.

  5. Avoid copying your competitors - making a copy of another company's logo or creating a design "based on" or very similar won't bring you the same success and recognition your competitors enjoy. In the best case, you might face a lawsuit for plagiarism. Learning from a competitor's success is okay, copying is not.

If you need help creating, designing, and developing a good logo with its Brand Manual, we're here to assist you! Get in touch with us.

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